X-rays, scan results and previous medical notes are not normally required but ones of a recent injury may help the Physiotherapist make their assessment.
We recommend that you contact your insurance company before starting treatment to enquire:
Your insurer will usually provide you with an authorisation code and advise how many treatments they are willing to reimburse you for. Please bring details of your policy to your initial consultation together with an authorisation code so that we can confirm arrangements for your treatment. If the policy is a corporate one please bring the group reference number.
We need this authorization number together with your policy number, or in the case of a corporate policy, your group reference number, so that we can invoice your insurer company directly.
Some insurers will need our provider number which will be given to you during your initial consultation.
If you have any questions please call us or call your health insurance company directly.
020 8549 6666 / info@physioextra.co.uk
The Gate House,
11 Upper Ham Road, Richmond,
Greater London, TW10 5LE